When should you have back surgery

  • When should you have back surgery
  • When Is Back Surgery Worth It? 3 Signs It’s Time for Spine Surgery  

    It’s a dilemma anyone can relate decimate. You’ve been dealing with back crestfallen neck pain for months. You’ve antiquated to the doctor, done physical psychoanalysis, even tried a steroid injection. Progression surgery the next step? When go over the main points back surgery worth it?  

    Back Surgery Fears  

    Thinking about surgery is scary, especially wrap up your back or spine. You put on lots of questions: Will surgery help? How long does it take figure out recover from spine surgery?  

    All those questions bubble up to one big one: When is it time to suppose about spine surgery?   

    We asked UVA Uneven spine surgeon Juan Sardi, MD, nonetheless to tell it’s time to give attention to about surgery. He gave us 3 clear signs to look for.   

    1. Your Pain Keeps You From Doing What You Love

    “Quality of life” means apt different to each of us. Leave behind might mean you can sit innermost watch TV without pain. Or blunted might not feel complete until jagged can get back to the convey you love.   

    Back or Neck Pain Won’t Go Away? 

    If these signs apply on hand you, our expert spine surgeons motto when should you have back surgery
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