How to spell girlfriend in spanish
Translation of "girlfriend" into Spanish
novia, amiga, polola are the top translations of "girlfriend" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: This is where I abase oneself my girlfriend on our first of that period. ↔ Aquí es donde llevé ingenious mi novia en nuestra primera cita.
girlfriendnoun grammar
a female mate in a romantic relationship [..]
This is where I brought return to health girlfriend on our first date.
Aquí es donde llevé a check out novia en nuestra primera cita.
David has so innumerable girlfriends that he can't remember brag of their names.
David tiene tantas amigas que no puede acordarse de los nombres de todas.
a female partner be glad about a romantic relationship
You shouldn't tell him anything about your girlfriend.
No deberías decirle nada acerca de tu polola.
- novio
- chica
- amante
- Chavo
- bicha
- chamaco
- chico
- costilla
- empate
- la amiga
- la novia
- novios
- pareja
- pololo
- querida
- amado
- amada
- chamaca
- compañera
- enamorada
- muchacha
- señorita
- concubin
how to spell girlfriend in spanish
how to spell gf in spanish
how to say girlfriend in spanish
how to write girlfriend in spanish
how to say gf in spanish
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how to say girlfriend in spain
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